Make Vases Sparkle
Fill up your vase with warm water then drop in two tablets. Allow to soak for an hour.
Unclog Drain
Simply drop three tablets into the drain and run hot water. The time will depend on how long it takes for your water to run HOT, the hotter the better. Turn off water and allow to sit for 15 minutes and then rinse.
All-Purpose Cleaner
Fill a container with 8 oz of warm water and toss in three tablets. When fizzing stops dip a sponge in and wipe down surfaces.
Quickly Clean The Toilet
Drop three tablets into the bowl and let sit for 15 minutes. Then simply scrub the bowl once with your toilet brush.
Jewelry Cleaner
Fill a bowl with water and drop in two tablets. Once fizzing stops, place jewelry in the bowl. Allow to sit for a minute or two then remove.
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