There are often coupons available for staple items such as condiments, spices, vegetables, eggs, milk, rice, coffee and more. Clip these coupons and leave all the others after all time is money. Also, if there is a product you use regularly email or call the manufacturer and let them know of your satisfaction and ask for coupons. More than likely they will send you some. One of the best places to get coupons for healthy products is online. Some sites to get you started are:
To really see the savings on your pocketbook use coupons for cleaning and health & beauty products. You'll be amazed at the savings and won't believe you ever paid full price or paid at all!
Stock up on fruits and vegetables when they are in season and at the lowest price. Then freeze or can them for later use.
If you really want to save start a price book. A price book is where you note the item, price, date, and store. You will then start to notice a cycle of the sales along with knowing just what is the best price. For instance I know the lowest price for skinless, boneless chicken breast is $1.77 lb. When it's at this price I stock up enough to last me till the next sale which is about 4 weeks. This really comes in handy on those items you use regularly that we don't get coupons for.
I hope I have helped you to see that you can save money with coupons and still eat good. Sometimes we just need to look at things from a different angle to get a better view. Happy saving!
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