Wednesday, March 3

Walgreens: FREE Tylenol PM Plus Money-maker

Here is another FREEBIE you can snag at Walgreens this week:
Tylenol PM – $2.99
- $2/1 printable
- $1.50/1 coupon from March coupon booklet
= FREE plus 50¢ overage!


  1. so does has anyone else heard that it is "illegal to give money back for a coupon in NC" that is what i was told at my local walgreens lame. and that was after they looked at it like it was SO complicated

  2. Kristen,
    I avoid this by simply handing over my Walgreens store coupons last. This way there is no beepage and usually no comments. Every now and again I may get an over attentive cashier and in that case I'll forego the overage and settle for FREE. You win some, you lose some. HTH

  3. they couldn't figure out how to make it free frustrating...tha acted like it was stealing to get something for free

  4. Kristen at my Wags they would simply adjust my manufacturer coupon. In this case they would adjust it to $1.49.
    I agree in can be frustrating especially since it can vary from one Wags to the next.

  5. this week at target i used a $4/2 gillette body wash coupon, the gillette body washes are 1.79 right now so that'd be 2 free, plus a lil overage. the casher REFUSED to use my coupon because "the item would come out free". what do you do in this instance? when i got to my car i called the manager and told him his cashier refused to use my coupon because "the item would come out free" he sided with his cashier saying they cant allow items to come out free. whats the point of using coupons? to find free and cheap items.

  6. In this situation I would of called Guest Services. There is a red phone at the customer service desk you can use to call them. Every time I've had to call them I've come out on the winning side!
