Thursday, April 30

Becoming A Coupon Superstar Day 3: Coupons, Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are


Have you ever wondered just where all the coupons can be found? I know I did. So, I'm hoping to save you from racking your brain and some time by sharing all the different places you can get coupons from.

The Sunday Newspaper- I know this is the obvious one. However, it's still worth a mention simply because it's where the majority of coupons come from. The amount of coupon inserts in them will vary from week to week. So on those weeks when there's lots of inserts or just really good coupons, I suggest you buy several. A good place to buy papers is at your local $ store.

Peelies- These are coupons that our stuck onto the product.

Blinkies- Coupons spit out by those blinking machines attached to the shelf at the grocery store.

Tearpads- Pads of coupons located near the product usually on a display.

Internet Printable- Coupons printed online, most have a limit of two per computer. These tend to be of higher value however not all stores will take them.

Home Mailers- Once you sign up with various companies they will send you coupons in the mail.

Winetags- Coupons found hanging around the neck of a wine bottle. Most of the time a wine purchase is not necessary to redeem the coupon.

Inside Products- Sometimes there are coupons inside the product package and other times it's on the package itself and will need to be cut off.

All You- This is a magazine sold at WalMart and is filled with tons of coupons.

Walgreens Beauty Counter- They are constantly being sent coupons, all you have to do is ask if there are any available. Note that newer stores won't have very many.

Go to Day 4.

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